The tenant has not paid the rent in months, your property may be trashed, and you haven’t had to deal with evicting a tenant before. What do you do?

An eviction in Orlando can be very expensive, very tedious in dealing with legal issues, and you’ll still be stuck with a lot of work when the tenant is evicted!

RentSmartUSA has extensive experience in “rescuing” landlords from tenants who aren’t paying their rent. To put you back in control, we will do the following:

  1. Get your tenant to start paying rent with an updated lease agreement –or–
  2. Post notices to vacate and begin the eviction process
  3. Follow through with an eviction to remove a defaulting tenant
  4. Clean up the property and get it rent ready at owner expense
  5. Advertise the property for rent –Screen applicants as presented
  6. Place a new tenant in the home using our qualification procedures
  7. Offer an owner Eviction Assurance for future tenants


How much does your landlord rescue service cost?

The cost for this service is a flat fee of $300 plus expenses for an eviction if it becomes necessary. After a management agreement is signed, we will engage services on your behalf to pursue collections from a non-paying tenant, or to start the eviction. Expenses for simple evictions usually run around $650, depending on how quickly the tenant vacates.

In addition to a property management agreement, the owner agrees to participate in the Landlord Rescue program by allowing RentSmartUSA to represent them in negotiations to correct or remove the current tenant. Owner agrees to pay $300 for the Landlord Rescue Program in addition to signing a property management agreement.

Sign Up for Landlord Rescue